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The history of the Angel Juicer
Angel Juicer company has been
manufacturing the angel juicers
since 1982 with continuous
development and improvement to
offer today a breakthrough juicer
that is admired and used by people
March- 1982 started Research and
Development on juicers.
December - 1982 invented vegetable
grinder for the first time.
Jan - 1983 released vegetable grinder
to the market.
Nov- 1983 upgraded existing
vegetable grinder.
Feb - 1984 established the Angel
Juicer Company officially.
May - 1984 upgraded the vegetable
grinder for the second time.
Nov - 1984 released twin gear juice
extractor in the market for the first
time in the world.
Nov - 1987 released new model.
September- 1991 registered Korea
patent on a new multifunction Angel
juicer model.
September- 1991 registered Korea
patent on a new Angel juicer model.
October- 1992 acquired American
patent for the Angel juicer model.
May - 1993 released Artificial
Intelligent Stainless steel juicer.
June. 1993 registered German
trademark for the Angel juicer
July. 1994 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer granted
multipurpose writing materials.
Dec. 1994 acquired Australian patent
Dec. 1994 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer model.
Jan. 1995 acquired Australian patent
on Angel juicer model.
Mar. 1995 acquired Australian patent
on Angel juicer model.
Mar. 1995 acquired Korean patent on
Angel juicer for making method of
Collection and it's equipment.
Mar. 1995 acquired Korean patent for
Angel juicer model.
May. 1995 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer model
May. 1995 acquired Japanese patent
on Angel juicer model.
May. 1996 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer mastication
June. 1996 registered Korea patent on
a new angel juicer machine.
June. 1996 acquired Korean patent
on a new model of Angel juicer
Nov. 1996 acquired German patent
on a new model of Angel juicer
Dec. 1996 acquired Brazil patent on a
new model of Angel juicer device.
Jan. 1997 acquired American patent
on Angel juicer machine.
Mar. 1997 acquired American patent
on Angel juicer new model.
May. 1997 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer model.
Aug. 1997 acquired Korean patent on
a new Angel juicer model.
April - 1998 released new model
June. 1998 registered Korea patent on
a new device.
Apr. 1999 acquired Korean invention
patent on Angel juicer food waist
June. 1999 registered Korea patent on
a new Angel juicer model.
April 2000 released new model
Health Bank
May. 2000 acquired Korean patent on
invention, new Angel juicer machine.
July. 2000 acquired Korean patent on
invention on a new Angel juicer
Dec. 2000 acquired Chinese Patent
on Angel juicer.
Dec. 2000 acquired Korean patent on
invention, new Angel juicer model
related to Push-sending screw for
juicer use.
Apr. 2003 acquired Korean patent on
invention of a new Angel juicer
Oct. 2003 acquired Korean patent on
a new Angel juicer model.
Jan. 2004 acquired Korean patent on
a new model of Angel juicer
March - 2004 released new model
Angela Juicer
December - 2004 released
commercial juicer.
Feb - 2005 released new model for
June. 2005 acquired Korean patent
on invention of a new Angel juicer
Apr. 2006 applied for Korean patent
on invention of a new model of
Angel juicer machine.
February- 2006 released new model
Angelia 5000 and Angelia 5500.
Sep. 2006 applied for Korean patent
on a new Angel juicer model.
Mar. 2007 applied for Korean patent
on a new Angel juicer machine.
May. 2007 registered the Brand of
Juicer with three new Angelia juicer
December - 2007 Released new
model Angelia Gold.
January - 2008 released new model
Angelia 3000, Angelia 3500 (Manual).
April -2008 released new model
Angelia 7000, Angelia 7500 with
Intelligent Control Device (auto-
October - 2010 released new model
Angelia 8000S (Stainless steel 316
grade for antibiotic surgical grade
Current newest models as of April
2016 and beyond
Angelia 5500 (manual) stainless
304(16-8) food approved and
hormone free grade. The Angelia
5500 retained the timeless name but
includes all the minor and major
improvements and adjustments.
Angelia 7500 (Auto-reverse and
Intelligent Control Sensor) stainless
steel 304 (16-8) food approved and
hormone free grade. The Angelia
7500 retained the timeless name but
includes all the minor and major
improvements and adjustments.
Angelia 8500S (with Auto-reverse
and Intelligent Control Sensor) 316
(18-12) Stainless steel for gears, filter
and body cover food approved,
hormone free and approved for
surgical stainless steel due to
toughness. The Angelia 8500S
retained the timeless name but
includes all the minor and major
improvements and adjustments.
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